39. zasadnutie Výboru Svetového dedičstva UNESCO, Bonn, Nemecko (júl 2015)

Na 39. zasadnutí Výboru Svetového dedičstva UNESCO, ktoré sa konalo v Bone, Nemecko sa priamo zúčastnil zástupca LZ VLK ako pozorovateľ. V uznesení zo zasadnutia sú zapracované argumenty LZ VLK. UNESCO tak oficiálne priznalo nepriaznivý stav v slovenskej časti UNESCO lokality a vyzvalo Slovenskú republiku na vykonanie nápravných opatrení.

Uznesenie z 39. zasadnutia Výboru Svetového dedičstva UNESCO, strana 82

Na zasadnuti v Bonne

Text rozhodnutia:

Decision: 39 COM 7B.19
The World Heritage Committee,
1. Having examined Document WHC-15/39.COM/7B,
2. Recalling Decision 38 COM 7B.75, adopted at its 38th session (Doha, 2014),
3. Commends the States Parties of Germany, Slovakia and Ukraine for their cooperation concerning the protection and management of the property and for signing the Joint Declarion of Intent and encourages the States Parties to continue their efforts;
4. Welcomes the progress achieved by the State Party of Slovakia towards enhancing
cooperation between relevant Ministries responsible for the management of Slovak
components of the property, but notes with concern that an integrated management
framework for the Slovak components of the property is still lacking and that forest
management plans providing for logging apply to some areas within the property
5. Endorses the recommendations of the 2014 reactive monitoring mission and requests the State Party of Slovakia to implement them;
6. Also requests the State Party of Slovakia to ensure that no logging operations take
place within the property’s boundaries until this issue is resolved through the
development, in consultation with the States Parties of Germany and Ukraine, of an
integrated management framework for the Slovak components of the property, focused on nature conservation and taking into account all international designations, such as World Heritage property, Biosphere Reserve and European Diploma;
7. Notes that the current delineation of the Slovak components of the property does not provide for adequate protection of the property’s Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) and further requests the State Party of Slovakia to develop a proposal for boundary modification of its components, in close cooperation with the States Parties of Germany and Ukraine, as well as other States Parties who are currently preparing a proposal for an extension of the property;
8. Takes note of the State Party of Slovakia’s intention to invite a joint World Heritage
Centre/IUCN Advisory mission to provide advice on the management of the Slovak
components of the property and on the development of a proposal for boundary
9. Requests furthermore the State Party of Slovakia to submit to the World Heritage
Centre, by 1 December 2016, an updated report, including a 1-page executive
summary, on the state of conservation of the property and the implementation of the
above, for examination by the World Heritage Committee at its 41st session in 2017.